Finnish cold? Not a problem! – The 3rd TM of KA2 PRODIGE in Lohja

On 7th and 8th April, all partners of Erasmus+ KA2 project PRODIGE met in Lohja for the 3rd Transnational Meeting. 5 months from the last meeting in Barcelona, many were the developments to discuss about and to work on during these meeting days.

On the first day, we were welcomed at Luksia campus in Lohja by the Coordinator for International Affairs at Luksia, Virve Hutchinson, as well as the teachers Heidi Häyrinen, Katjusa Merisaari and Tiina Vesanen, who are also working on the project.

At the meeting all partners were present: Cécile Aillerie and Delphine Gicquel from SEPR (FR), Lucia Mancino and Lucia Amadori from UNISER (IT), Loïc Le Glanec and Laura Pellegrinetti from MFR (FR), Katrin Guerra and Thorsten Noelle from BEZIRKSREGIERUNG KÖLN (DE), María Soriano Maudos and Joan Calero from Institut Esteve Terradas i Illa (ES) as well as Rita Festi from SCF (IT). Lidia Ruffa from SCF and Lluis Vives also attended some sessions of the meeting online.

The event opened with a warm welcome from Luksia, followed by an introduction provided by Cécile Aillerie from SEPR, who presented the 2-days programme.

After a roundtable of presentations to introduce the new people who have joined the project, we went straight to the project’s core activities: the Intellectual Outputs.

Lidia Ruffa from SCF provided an overview of IO1 development, which is the online toolkit for managing digital learning mobility. All partners agreed on the use of Padlet as the main tool and split the different sections to work on.

After this, we moved onto IO3, the e-learning course for teachers on internationalization at home. We spent some time exploring the SEPR Colibri Moodle platform, where we will be uploading all content and also agreed on the division of work among partners, which is supervised by Cécile Aillerie from SEPR.

We closed the morning with an update for IO2 provided by Lucia Amadori from Uniser. We took some time to browse the newly created e-platform for a community of families supporting the internationalization of VET schools and a tailor made learners mobility, that is the objective of this intellectual output and gave feedback for its finalization.

After a very nice lunch at the school canteen prepared by Luksia students who are pursuing a curriculum in catering, we went back to the last part of the IO2 session. The objective was to work together on the content of the two e-platform pages dedicated to students and it was organized in a world café mode. We were really lucky because for this session we had special guests, the two students from Luksia who will be taking part in the mobility and will be traveling to Spain. Their contribution to this activity was particularly helpful and we’re really glad they joined us!

The rest of the afternoon was dedicated to planning and organizing the mobilities foreseen in May and November, with partners discussing all the different aspects in pairs, according to the countries of exchange: SCF and MFR, EU GES and SEPR, INST. ETI and LUKSIA.

After a very productive day, we took some time to discuss and network and we got ready for the evening cultural activities. We had a guided tour to Mustion Linna, a local Finnish mansion dating back to the XVIII century, where we had a chance to admire the landscape and buildings, as well as tasting local food and getting to know the Finnish tradition of sauna.

The second day started with the visit to the Lohja campus of Luksia. Luksia teachers guided us around, explaining the different curriculas there and letting us visit the different classrooms and workshops.

Well treated with some freshly baked korvapuusti, we went back to our work schedule for Day 2.

The first item of the day was the Design Thinking seminar in Bologna that couldn’t be held in January as planned due to covid-19 emergency. We agreed on a new date for October of this year and we started drafting the programme all together.

After this, it was time for dissemination updates with Thorsten Noelle from EU-GES. Thorsten announced the new social media channels of EU-GES and reminded us what the tools for dissemination and what our goals are, how to work together to produce communication materials and how we can improve what we’ve done so far.

Loïc Le Glanec from MFR gave a presentation about quality management of PRODIGE: we had a look at the quality questionnaires for the last Transnational Meeting in Barcelona and at the quality indicators for the project.

Finally, we discussed some administrative issues such as the current use of budget, the input needed for the upcoming interim report, and the affiliation letters. After these extremely productive two days of work together, it was time to say goodbye and prepare for our next big step: the Design Thinking seminar in Bologna!

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