The 5th Transnational Meeting of PRODIGE project in Lyon

On 28th February and 1st March 2023, all partners of Erasmus+ KA2 project PRODIGE – PROmote DIGitalisation for Education & training met in Lyon for the 5th Transnational Meeting. 5 months from the last meeting in Bologna, many were the developments to discuss about and to work on during these days.

At the meeting all partners were present: Urko Barrueta-Sangines, Delphine Gicquel and Coraline Cavagna from SEPR (🇫🇷), Lucia Amadori from UNISER (🇮🇹), Loïc Le Glanec and Julien Piovesan from MFR (🇫🇷), Katrin Guerra and Thorsten Noelle from BEZIRKSREGIERUNG KÖLN (🇩🇪), Lluis Vives, María Soriano and Gorka Maiztegui  from Institut Esteve Terradas i Illa (🇪🇸) as well as Maria Lorenzini from SCF (🇮🇹). Francesca Drago from SCF also attended some sessions of the meeting online.

The event opened with a warm welcome from SEPR International Department, followed by an introduction provided by Urko Barrueta Sangines, who presented the 2-days programme. Together with Lucia Amadori from UNISER, partners were divided into teams to participate in the energiser activities proposed: first a quiz about the city of Lyon and then a “Line up” exercise to stimulate the cooperation among participants and prepare us for the day ahead.

The works started with discussions about the intellectual output n.1 of the project, the online toolkit for managing learning mobility going digital, coordinated by Scuola Centrale Formazione. Partners exchanged about the translations of this output in order to maximise the toolkit impact among mobility coordinators, who are the main target. 

After a lunch at SEPR canteen, participants continued the discussion on the intellectual outputs with IO2, the e-platform for a tailor made mobility in hosting families. Since the project is reaching its end, the consortium is now fine-tuning the tools developed, in this case by providing a set of guidelines for families hosting international students. Therefore during this session Uniser, the coordinator of this output, organised a work café activity to gather inputs to draft these guidelines. 

Refreshed by a quick coffee break, participants then focused on intellectual output n.3, the e-learning course for teachers on Internationalisation at home, coordinated by SEPR. We went through the main contents of each module to see what was missing and could be improved and then analysed the questionnaire to collect feedback about the course.

In the evening we got to taste the typical Lyonnaise cuisine in a restaurant in Vieux Lyon, the city’s oldest district.

The second day started with the visit to the campus of SEPR. PRODIGE partners visited the school library, the space of Lab46 and the workshops, with teachers and personnel explaining to us the different areas and projects. 

The main topic of the day was the organisation of the project dissemination events: each partner presented their ideas and provided inputs, guided by Katrin Korch-Guerra and Thorsten Noelle from Bezirksregierung Köln, the partner responsible for dissemination on the project. At the end of the session, a checklist was drafted, with the main elements that should be included in each dissemination event.

Finally, it was time to discuss the quality of the project with Loic Le Glanec from MFR, who provided the results of the quality questionnaires about the 4th Transnational Meeting in Bologna and also the training event in Bologna, the Design Thinking Seminar.

After these extremely productive two days of work together, it was time to say goodbye and prepare for the next final step: the last project meeting in Cologne!

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