What is PRODIGE?
PRODIGE is a cooperation project for innovation and exchange of good practices financed under Key Action 2 (KA2) of Erasmus+ programme that started in June 2021.
The partnership of 7 organizations (VET providers, mobility providers and a public body) from 5 different countries (France, Italy, Spain, Finland and Germany) is working together with the common goal of strengthening the European dimension of schools and VET centers by innovating their internationalization strategies thanks to the use of digital tools and to the development of teachers’ digital competences

The idea
The idea was born from a need to address the challenges in the job market due to the changing demand of a more globalised and intercultural world, as well as the rising mobility of the workforce. Internationalisation of training systems has been regarded as the crucial response to provide young people with key competences, focused on citizenship and interculturality.
This is crucial as the financial constraints and schools budget unfortunately allow only a handful of students to participate in a mobility experience every year. One way to increase this number is working to modernise and improve education and training systems, as well as finding new ways of bringing Europe to local learners by introducing more Internationalisation at Home.
Besides, since March 2020 the COVID 19 pandemic has made even more urgent the need to provide VET centers with new competences and tools to implement virtual mobility, blended mobility and fostering Internationalisation at Home processes.
Given this context, the overall objective of the project is to strengthen the European dimension of VET centers nowadays strongly affected by the circumstances created by the COVID 19 pandemic by innovating their internationalisation strategies thanks to the use of digital tools and to the development of teachers’ digital competences.
The common work towards the realization of this goal will result in 3 intellectual outputs: